For Sale: 1964 Ford Falcon in Buena Park, California for sale in Buena Park, CA

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Vehicle Description Completely restored.
Runs, drives, turns and stops like new.
No A/C, just like it came out of the factory line.
Pioneer touch screen stereo, new tires & Wheels.
Car is in great shape.
  • Year: 1964
  • Make: Ford
  • Model: falcon

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  • When selling, do not put your home address in your ad.
  • To avoid scams, buy and sell with people you can meet locally, in person.
  • When meeting with someone you don't know, meet in a public place. If that's not possible, have a buddy with you. Also, carry a cell phone; if you feel unsafe, you can call a trusted friend, and stay on the line.
  • Never give out financial or private information like account numbers, PayPal login, or social security number.
  • If an offer sounds too good to be true, it is. Walk away!